Kilpailuehdotus, 1991.
Tilaihanteeni eivät näy muuttuneen vuosien varrella: rakennusten ja rakennuksissa sijaitsevien tilojen sijoittuminen sisäkkäisiin vyöhykkeisiin on usein luontevaa. Saarelle rakennettavaan kaupunginosaan voisi soveltaa linnoitusten arkkitehtuuria, etenkin Lappeenrannassa, joka on vanha linnoituskaupunki. Lopullinen ehdotus poikkesi skissistä, kuten selostuksesta huomaa.
Competition entry, 1991.
My idea of the ideal space hasn’t changed in the passing years: the characteristic placement of buildings and spaces within buildings into nested zones occurs naturally. A city district on an island could follow the architectural forms of a fort, which would suit an old city built at the base of a fortress, such as Lappeenranta. The final design differs from the preliminary sketches, as evident from the description.
The residential area on the island has been designed so that various housing zones are nested within one another.
Lined by five-story residential buildings, at its heart lies a rectangular garden that joins into a forested rock on one of the long sides.
A street runs around the block. It descends into a tunnel upon reaching the rock, leading to the parking area located under the large block. Elevators are located on the corners of the block.
The next zone consists of three-story non-corridor blocks. In the areas where houses are located right next to one another, the ‘firewalls’ of the houses are constructed out of glass brick. Two-storey row houses make up the outermost building zone, which, together with the dot houses, are surrounded by a yard with allotments and orchards.
Further out is a natural beach with saunas, piers and pier houses. A trail goes around the beaches.
From the centre towards the edges, the environment changes from ‘hard’, urban gardens to natural, uncultivated beaches.
Workspaces and commercial services, a kiosk, etc. are located on the ground floor of the central block. Service facilities for the elderly can also be found there.
The planting on the island honours the Finnish tradition: birch trees in front of row houses, common alders on the beach, etc. Guest parking is located on the street level.
Areas outside Pikisaari:
According to the proposal, the ramparts of the Lappeenranta fortress are to be reconstructed. A park area, with a flood meadow, is established between the ramparts and Lake Saimaa. The terrain could be transformed, e.g., according to plans drawn up by a landscape artist, so that a flat, horizontal look is maintained.
There is mooring for boats, space for a circus tent or outdoor concerts, etc. on the beach. The old station will be converted into a café and other small buildings near the beach could be repurposed for tourism.